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“中医药抗击新冠病毒COVID-19进展全球公益讲座”第一讲直播预告 | 新型冠状病毒肺炎的防治—中国方案、中医方案、湖北方案。




1讲  Lecture 1

由湖北省中医院主任医师、二级教授,博士生导师巴元明分享《 新型冠状病毒肺炎的防治—中国方案、中医方案、湖北方案》。

嘉宾简介 Speaker


Yuanming Ba, chief physician of Hubei provincial hospital of TCM, professor and Ph. D. supervisor, is the first batch of national excellent clinical talents of TCM, the sixth group of academic experience instructor of national TCM experts, and also the expert of scientific research group in Hubei headquarters for prevention and control of novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, and receives a special government subsidy of the State Council. Professor Ba is mainly engaged in preventing and combating kidney disease and the inheritance and innovation of TCM. His major achievements include award of second prize of science and technology progress in Hubei Province for 4 times, research and development of 9 preparations for medical preparations, et al.


主讲内容 Abstract


COVID-19, as a magnitude outburst public health incident, is affecting the whole country and even the entire world. The campaign against COVID-19 in China has achieved significant results, which is mainly due to the mobilization of the whole Party and the whole country, and the unique medical system with the diagnosis and treatment mode of integrated TCM and western medicine. Therefore, this report focuses on COVID-19 prevention and treatment program of China, TCM and Hubei Province, so as to provide reference in fighting against epidemic.



直播时间:5月29日 20:30-21:30(北京时间 Beijing Time)

来源于CNKI海外服务网讯 2020年05月28日

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